How To Find The Right Employees For Your Business

Attract good employees.

When you are developing a growth plan for your business, time will come when you need to find employees who can take some of the weight off your shoulder.

Without increasing your capacity, you will not be able to create sustainable growth in your company.

It is important that you find the right people, though, who will help you take your business to the next step instead of holding it back.

Finding and attracting a good apple instead of a bad apple can be a hard task.

Here’s how to find the right employees for your business.

Write a Specific Job Advertisement

The first thing you need to do is decide what you would like to improve in your company and what you need help with. This will help you create a specific and detailed job post that will attract the right people to apply. You don’t want to be spending too much time looking at irrelevant CVs; instead, you just want to choose your next workers from a qualified pool of applicants. You can find a couple of examples of job descriptions posted online, so you can choose the format that will suit the post you are advertising the best.

Ask Screening Questions

To avoid wasting your time and your money, you will also have to make sure that you screen your applicants. You might want to ask qualifying questions about their experience, or even take them through a simple personality test if you feel like. Whether you are looking to employ someone in accounting or the administrative field, you need to ensure that they have the relevant knowledge and experience to do the job once hired.

Check Out Blogs and Social Media

Once you have shortlisted the people you might consider working with, it is essential that you find their personal blogs and social media pages. You can also start your employee search on social media, such as LinkedIn, as this will give you the power to contact potential employees instead of having to advertise. In some cases, – and especially in narrow industries – you will need to hand pick and headhunt talent instead of using an agency or a job board.

Hire a Professional

If you don’t feel competent enough to choose the right applicants from the talent pool, you might also want to hire a professional. You don’t necessarily need to work with large companies that will collect hundreds of CVs for you; choose a freelance HR professional who is able to address your specific hiring needs better and understand your needs.

Offer Perks

To attract the right talent in your company, you will need to make your job offer stand out. For example, you can offer free life insurance, health insurance packages with extras, or simply unlimited coffee and fruit, depending on what floats your applicants’ boat. A free gym membership or other rewards can make them choose you as an employer instead of another company.

Flexible Working

If there is one thing most employees value it is flexible working. You need to offer some kind of control for your employees, so they can make the most out of their work-life balance. The more understanding you are as an employer and the more you empower your workers to get their life improved, the more loyal they will become. You can allow working from home on certain days, or remote working while traveling. Thanks to the latest developments of cloud technology, you can now collaborate with your employees, even if they are not in the office.

Create A Training Program

Find productive employees.

To attract talent in your company, you will also have to create a bespoke training program and make sure that you are empowering people to get the most out of their skills and knowledge. If they feel supported and respected, you will be more likely to get them to stay and progress their career inside your organization, instead of looking elsewhere. Personal development is important for most career-focused professionals, so you need to address this important needs.

Career Development Plan

It is also crucial that you plan long term and keep the talent as well as attracting and developing it. This will reduce your human resources expenses and provide sustainable growth and continuity in your business. You can come up with a career development plan in the beginning of the contract, but make sure that you discuss your plans with your new recruits. What you think they want and what they really want might be completely different.

Skills Training

If there is one reason why people choose large organizations is that they let them grow professionally. In the beginning, you will need to make a decision whether or not you would like to attract experienced staff or fresh graduates. There are advantages of both approaches. If you choose experienced people, you can further develop their skills and knowledge. However, they are less likely to change their ways of working, so if you are introducing a unique approach, you might be better off with fresh graduates.

Value Alignment

Just because an applicant ticks all the boxes when it comes to qualifications and skills, you might not be able to get on well and work together. There is one aspect of employment that managers often forget about, and it is shared values. If you can align your employee’s values with your organization’s goals, you can help each other out and grow together. You need to share the same values when it comes to business ethics, customer service, and work ethics. If your employees’ priorities don’t match yours, chances are that conflict will arise.

There are many pitfalls you need to be aware of when hiring your first employee. First of all, it is crucial that you screen the applicants and make sure they are able to perform as expected. However, you also have to work on making your job offer more appealing than other companies’. This is why you should be creating a career development plan, a bespoke training program, and offer employee perks for the right people.