The modern job interview serves two main purposes. It provides the interviewer and the interviewee with information to determine if the candidate has the right skills and qualifications for the job. It also helps to determine if the values of the candidate align with the philosophy and values of the organization.
An interview isn’t all about the company, and it isn’t all about the candidate. Each party has an important role in the decision-making process. This role is fulfilled by using effective interviewing practices.
The Problem with Traditional Job Interviews
While everything above is true, unfortunately, a traditional interview isn’t always as effective as those involved would like. When assessing potential employees, sometimes it’s necessary to think outside the box. In fact, some experts recommend throwing out the traditional interview process altogether.
Some options for outside the box interview and hiring methods are found here. Knowing what options to consider can help ensure the right decision is made.
Hold an Audition
According to psychologists, it’s a good idea to have potential hires audition for the position. Musician and actors do this, so why not use this in the business world? If a company needs to hire a sales rep, consider having them come to the office and sell to the team.
Ask potential warehouse employees to visit the location and pull several orders. Take the time to see how the individual performs, the questions they ask, and how resourceful they are when it comes to getting the job done. It’s not always about what’s on a person’s resume that’s important, but how well the applicant can handle the job and work with the culture of the company.
Sit Back and Observe
Watch how a potential hire interacts with different employees besides the hiring manager. Designate one person to keep things moving, and note the way the candidate responds through the process. There are several things to take note of.
For example, does the individual start a conversation with others in the office? Do they smile as they pass by others? Do they offer help if needed?
Some companies refer to this observation as a culture test. For example, if a VP of sales candidate is coming in for an interview, situations are staged to see how the individual responds. For example, employees can walk by and smile to see how the applicant responds, and the receptionist can provide their opinion of the candidate.
Remember, actions speak louder than words. When a person is paying attention, the candidate is telling their story. Be sure to take note of this.
Leave the Office
Any hiring manager knows that food makes anyone happy. For many candidates, an interview is their biggest performance. However, these same people (and almost anyone) lets their guard down when food is present.
By sharing a meal and creating a more relaxed environment, it’s possible to make the conversation feel organic rather than so stuffy and staged. Be real with the person interviewing and they are going to be real too, giving an indication of how they will fit the company’s culture. It also pays dividends to prioritize listening skills for managers to find the best candidates.
Changing the Interview Process
When it comes to hiring someone new for a job, it’s a good idea to think beyond the typical interview. The stuffy, somewhat staged performance isn’t going to let a hiring manager know if a person is right for the position. By using the tips here, it’s possible to find out if a person is right for the job opening.