4 Technologies That Are Rapidly Transforming the Energy Industry

It is predicted that the world’s population will exceed the 11 billion mark by the year 2100. This increasing population, along with environmental challenges, has put even more pressure on already strained and stretched energy resources.

While there is no magic solution or answer, everyone in the sector from professionals, researchers, and even an oil and gas recruiter denver, are harnessing technology to help transform the sector and improve energy availability. Keep reading to learn about some of these innovative technologies.

When it comes to technology in the energy industry, there are more than a few things being created and introduced. Knowing what is coming is the best way to ensure that the new technologies are used to their full potential.

1. Na-TECC

A new technology that utilizes the isothermal expansion of solar heat and sodium is being leveraged to help generate electricity direction. This is being called Na-TECC. This acronym combines the initials from Thermo-Electro-Chemical-Converter and it rhymes with GaTech (which is where the technology is being developed). This is a unique conversion engine and is lacking any type of moving parts.

The goal of the technology is to reach the heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency of over 45%, which is a huge increase compared to the 20% efficiency of car engines and 30% for most sources present on the electric grid. This means the efficiency percentages are much higher than with other sources.

2. Flexible Generators

The use of polymers is being used for thermoelectric generators or TEGs. These are solid state devices used to directly convert heat to electricity with no moving parts. The TEGs are made from inorganic semiconductors. However, the polymers are quality materials because of their lower thermal conductivity and flexibility. The qualities provide smart designs for higher performance devices that can work without any type of active cooling, which will help to significantly reduce overall production costs.

3. Radio Wave Recycling

Some researchers have developed a type of electromagnetic energy harvester that will collect plenty of ambient energy from the RF (radio frequency) spectrum for operating devices with the Internet of Things, wearable electronics, smart sensors, and more.

While harvesting radio waves is not new, former efforts have been limited to shorter-range systems that are located within a few meters of the source of energy. The research done is considered the first example of longer-range energy harvesting for up to seven miles from the source.

This technology was first introduced in 2012. Since that time, the capabilities it offers have been dramatically increased to help collect energy from multiple TV channels, handheld electronic devices, cellular devices, and more.

4. Triboelectricity

This allows an electrical charge to be formed from friction that is caused by two materials that meet or contact one another. While this is something that has been known for a while, the phenomenon has been mostly ignored as a source of energy due to its unpredictability.

Harnessing New Technology

When it comes to harnessing new technology, there are amazing innovations on the horizon. It is a good idea to explore these to see what is offered and what is going to be available in the future. By knowing what is coming, it is possible to prepare for the future and take advantage of new energy solutions.